Selected conferences and events organized at AmCham France

(to mid-2009, up to 100 a year with various partners )

01 Mar 2007, French and EU IT/New Media Regulatory Policies and Issues

28 Mar 2007, The US-France Double Taxation Treaty; Implementation of the Protocols

16 Apr 2007, US Telecom Priorities at the World Radio Conference

18 Apr 2007, The WTO and Trade Liberalization

26 Apr 2007, The US-EU Summit

09 May 2007, OECD Initiatives of Interest to the Private Sector

24 May 2007, Intellectual Property Rights: French, EU and Worldwide Perspectives

06 Jun 2007, Television on Cell Phones

14 Jun 2007, The Merits of Arbitration vs. Litigation

15 Jun 2007, US Government Privacy Policy Roundtable

26 Jun 2007, Modernization of the French Rail System

27 Jun 2007, Liability of Internet Service Providers in the Web 2.0 Arena 20 Sep 2007,

23 Oct 2007, Cross-Cultural Personnel Management in Europe and the US

24 Oct 2007, Lunch with Pat Russo, CEO, Alcatel-Lucent

08 Nov 2007, US Under Secretary O'Neill: US Priorities in IT, New Media, Trade

19 Nov 2007, Credentials vs. Competency - US-French Education Differences

28 Nov 2007, Press Conference, AmCham Barometer, the French Investment Climate

12 Dec 2007, Lunch with Jean-David Levitte, Diplomatic Counselor of President Sarkozy

14 Dec 2007, EU Initiative: The Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

29 Jan 2008, Award Gala Dinner with Christine Lagarde, Minister of Economy

27 Mar 2008, New Media: Menace or Opportunity?

28 Mar 2008, The Outlook for Transatlantic Economic Relations

01 Apr 2008, Lunch with John Chambers, CEO, CISCO

16 Apr 2008, Lunch with Jean-Bernard Lévy, CEO, Vivendi

15 May 2008, Trans-Atlantic Economic Council and the EU Presidency of France

19 May 2008, The Financial Crisis with Robert Hormats, VP, Goldman Sachs

27 May 2008, Business Priorities of the OECD

28 May 2008, Women in the Workplace: Obstacles to Advancement, Hopes for the Future

06 Jun 2008, The 2nd European Meeting of the Labor Law Practice Group in Paris

12 Jun 2008, Innovation: New Levers of Growth

16 Jun 2008, How Competitive will Europe be in the Global Marketplace?

18 Jun 2008, Luncheon with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman, Nestlé

26 Jun 2008, Corporate Social Responsibility

08 Jul 2008, Roundtable Discussion with union leader Jean-Claude Mailly

08 Sep 2008, US Secretary of Health and Human Services Leavitt on Product Safety

25 Sep 2008, The WTO, Trade and Regulatory Issues and the World Economy

01 Oct 2008, Transatlantic Telecoms Dialogue

09 Oct 2008, Prospects for the Aerospace & Defense Industries after the US Elections

13 Oct 2008, Class Action Lawsuits Coming to France?

15 Oct 2008, The Problem with Globalization

23 Oct 2008, Lunch with Anne-Marie Idrac, Minister of Trade

27 Oct 2008, Corporate Transfer Pricing Taxation

17 Nov 2008, Lunch with Valerie Pecresse, Minister of Education and Research

19 Nov 2008, Fundraising in Education: the US Model

19 Nov 2008, The Financial Crisis, Measures, Prospects for Recovery and Obama

21 Nov 2008, Lunch with Margot Wallström, VP, European Commission

26 Mar 2009, Prospects for the Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Industry during the Recession

27 Apr 2009, Energy Efficiency Global Forum

28 Apr 2009, Roundtable Breakfast, Minister of Digital Economy Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet

13 May 2009, The Future of Training and Education: New Technologies, New Landscape

19 May 2009, Private Sector Priorities and the Economic Crises as seen by the OECD