The Maleki Group has been using Oliver Griffith as a speaker, moderator and conference content manager for over five years. He has written very effective programs for our annual event wiht the World Bank Group (IFC), demonstrating strong mastery of complex economic and financial issues and superb drafting skills. He has also jumped in as a Master of Ceremonies in both English and German for these events with great stage presence and professionalism.

In addition he has spoken or moderated numerous events for us on subjects as wide-ranging as finance in MENA, Africa, and Asia and agribusiness. He knows how to pull together diverse panelists into a coherent narrative, expertly summarizing their contributions and involving the audience. He ranks near the top of the dozens of moderators we have used over the past 15 years and we will not hesitate to use him in the future
— Katrin Pickenhan, COO,,
On May 20, 2015 during the Metropolitan Solutions Congress in Berlin, I organized an International Financing Conference entitled “Managing Urban Growth - Financing Sustainable Infrastructure.” The panelists come from international finance institutions and corporations as well as from the political and economic spheres. I chose Oliver Griffith as moderator. He impressed both the listeners and panelists with his substantive knowledge as well as his methodical approach to moderating a lively and informative discussion. Moreover, he was successful throughout the day in involving the audience in the proceedings. Because of his expert and highly professional moderation and questions the conference was a great success, which all participants acknowledged. I would like to thank Oliver wholeheartedly for his outstanding work and look forward to working with him in future events.”
— Dr. Joachim Richter, CEO, Project Finance International,
Just a note to say a huge thank you for doing such a great job yesterday. It was the first time the Business Council for Africa had attempted anything on that scale before. I was delighted with the outcome and the feedback from the delegates has been fabulous. Many thanks again and I shall certainly remember you for other events and clients I work on and with.
— Krissy Mackintosh, Conference Organizer. Business Council for Africa,
I’ve worked with Oliver for almost six years, most recently a Convent Kongresse events in Berlin in 2012 and 2013 where he was a moderator of panel discussions (in German) on raw materials and development. He is a consummate professional with a deep understanding of international affairs and development issues and the gravitas to allow him to interact as an equal with top level panelists (for these events and African Minister and Central Bank Director and important CEOs). He does an outstanding job in presenting panel themes. guiding the discussion and summarizing the conclusions, challenging both the panelists and audience to think outside the box. Our audiences, who are asked to fill out evaluations, gave him top marks and I would not hesitate to use him for future events.”
— Mark Schiffauer, COO, Convent Kongresse GmBH,