Conference panelist for the World Bank Group


May 4, Hamburg -- 9th German-Africa Energy Forum, Afrikaverein, Panel: “Financing Energy Projects”.  Click here for program   

May 21, Berlin -- World Bank Private Sector Liaison Officer Annual Conference, “Investing through IFC’s Venture Capital Program”        

Jun. 3, Brussels -- European Development Days, Panel: “Inclusive Business Models in Emerging Markets”, Co-organizer with GIZ

Sep. 10, Porto -- Economic Forum Europa-Africa (in Portuguese), “IFC e o setor privado – criando oportunidades onde a necessidade e maior”

Oct. 13, Kiel -- Global Economic Symposium Annual Conference, Panel: “Promoting Innovation to Achieve Inclusive Business”.  Click here for program

Nov. 4, Munich -- 3rd Annual Africa Energy Forum, Afrikaverein, “Procurement and Financing Public Infrastructure Projects”.  Click here for program 

Nov. 18, Zurich -- Swiss-Latin American Chamber of Commerce, “How to Secure Financing and Win Contracts with the World Bank Group and IDB”.  Click here for program       


Mar. 26, Leipzig -- OAV – German Asia Pacific Business Association - Leipzig Chamber of Commerce, “Financing Investments in Asia”

Apr. 2, Madrid -- Young Presidents Organization Conference:  “Spain-Latin America: a Unique Opportunity”, Mesa de Financiacion (in Spanish)

Sep. 12, Montreaux -- G-20Y Summit, Panel:  “G20Y Association and International Organizations – Engagement with the Private Sector”

Oct. 2, Herning -- GoGlobal Denmark Conference, Business Opportunities in Africa in Agriculture and Food.  Click herefor program

Oct. 10, London -- Investing in Eastern Africa Conference, Homestrings, “Investing at the Regional and Local Levels”

Oct. 13, Paris -- Coopération pour l’Afrique de Demain (CADE) colloque, "Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires en Afrique ;  Potentiels de croissance des filières et investissement responsable" (in French)

Oct. 28, Berlin -- Bundesverband Solar Wirtschaft (Solar Industry Association), Financing roundtable (in German)

Dec. 3, Munich -- Second annual German-African Business Forum, Afrikaverein, “Financing Infrastructure Projects in Africa” 

Dec. 12, Barcelona -- ACCIO Africa Conference (in Spanish), “Inversiones con IFC en Africa”


Jun. 7, Reykjavik -- Presentation to the Icelandic Geothermal Associaton, “Geothermal Financing Challenges and IFC Financing”

Sep. 7, Madrid -- Climate Finance Conference, Madrid Chamber of Commerce (in Spanish),  “Oportunidades de negocio derivadas de la financiación climática”

Sep. 13, Vienna -- Forum Emerging Markets, “Boomende Maerkte Abseits des Mainstreams” (in German),  Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Finance Ministry.  Click here for program

Oct. 7, London -- Annual Meeting of the International Organization Civil Society Focal Points.  Panel: “Working with the Private Sector and Civil Society”

Oct. 16, Goteborg -- Executive meeting of Swedish pension funds, “How to promote ESG, CSR and ethics in investment decisions”

Nov. 14, Geneva -- International Organization Round table on Corporate Social Responsibility

Nov. 29, Paris -- ESSEC Business School, “Socially Responsible Investment in Africa:  Myth or Reality”  


Jan.25, Brussels -- European Parliament Hearing Roundtable, “New Technologies for Socio-Economic Development”   

Jan. 31, Munich -- 14th Europe-African Trade and Investment Workshop, “Investing in Africa with IFC”    

Mar. 28, Paris -- Agence Francaise de Developpement, Panel:  “Reassessing the Quality of Business Climates” (in French)

May 9, Oslo -- Oslo Chamber of Commerce,  “Investment Funding from the World Bank Group”    

May 14, Tel Aviv -- AgriTech Conference, “Agriculture in Emerging Markets – Opportunities and Challenges”

Sep. 20, Geneva -- Africa Emerging Capital Conference, Panels: 1) “Africa – Potential, Challenges and Risks; Accountability and Good Governance (with former President of Ghana John Kufuor)”; 2) “Accountability, Good Governance and Geopolitical Risks in Africa”.  Click here for program

Nov. 21, Frankfurt -- Frankfurt MENA Finance Conference, "Emerging MENA Region - Risks and Opportunities".   Click here for program   

Dec. 12, Lisbon -- AICEP-Portugal Global Conference “Investing in Emerging Markets” 

Dec. 17, Madrid -- AECID-Real Instituto Elcano Conference “Reimbursable Cooperation in the Development Policy of Spain” (in Spanish)


Jan.31, Frankfurt -- Finance Future Forum, “Social Media Use at Development Banks” (in German) 

Jun. 24, Zurich -- Latin Finance Magazine 2nd Latin America-Europe Investors Forum, Panel:  “Environmental and Social Issues Related to Investments in Latin America”

Nov. 8, Lyon -- Eurafric Conference, Eau et Energie en Afrique, Panel : «  Financements internationaux et promotion de Pôles de Compétitivité en Afrique «  (in French)  Click here for program


Nov. 24, Paris -- HEC Business School.  Panelist – Forum on Emerging Markets

Dec.8, Brussels -- ACP Chamber of Commerce, Speaker – “Doing Business in ACP Countries”


Panelist for AmCham France

Oct. 2007 -- Cercle Jefferson, Panelist: "The French Investment Climate," 

Mar. 2008 -- Franco-American Institute, Rennes - Speaker, "The Future of Franco-American Economic Relations" 

Apr. 2008 -- Dewey LeBoeuf Conference on the French Counterfeiting Law
Panel: "Anti-counterfeiting Initiatives of the US Chamber of Commerce" 

Jul. 2008 -- AmCham Midi-Pyrenees, Speaker, "The Franco-American Economic Relation" 

Nov. 2008 -- AmCham France Nord - Speaker, "The French Investment Climate" 

Nov. 2008 -- Mediterranean American Business Network, Marseille - Speaker, "The Differences between Democrats and Republicans and the Obama Administration" 

Dec. 2008 -- ING Investment Management Seminar - Speaker, "Investment Opportunities under the Obama Administration" 

Dec. 2008 -- Paris Chamber of Commerce – Panel: Economic Multipliers for French Firms

Apr. 2009 -- AmCham Alsace-Lorraine - Speaker, "Can Obama Save the World?" 

Apr. 2009 -- Energy Efficiency Conference - Panelist, "US Energy Security, Policy and Climate Change" 

In addition:  Featured graduation speaker for the American School of Paris and the American Business School. Over 20 presentations on Franco-American economic relations to Executive MBA and other student groups. 


Speaking and Media Engagements as a U.S. Diplomat  

Germany (1989-91)

-- CDU Daemmerschoppen, Wedel -- “The US view of a uniting Europe” 
-- Geesthachter Stadtgespraeche -- “Was the Gulf War inevitable?” 

Trinidad and Tobago (1995-98)

-- AmCham – Free trade agreements and their impact on Trinidad and Tobago
-- Second Annual Parliamentarians Conference -- US economic priorities in the Caribbean
-- The Express newspaper -- Interview on US economic policies and the FTAA. 

France (1999-2002)

-- Université d’Eté de Telecoms -- The US telecom regulatory model
-- Global 2000 Internet Conference -- Developments in US Internet policy
-- National Institute of International Relations (IFRI) -- The information society 

Uruguay (2002-05)

-- Forum of Mercosur Women --The Free Trade Area of the Americas

-- Uruguay Chamber of Industry -- After the Cancun meeting – the future of the WTO

-- Uruguay Dairy Association -- Niche markets for Uruguayan dairy products
-- EcoFin Advisory Group -- Combating public sector corruption
-- Regional Conference on trafficking in children and child pornography 

Guatemala (2005-06)

-- Siglo 21 newspaper – Interviews on the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) 
-- Siglo 21 newspaper – Interview on the FTAA and WTO
-- Libre Encuentro TV program -- The benefits of CAFTA